2015年5月20日 星期三



  這裡要提到的 Flip PDF Professsional,就是一款專門製作電子相簿的專業軟體。首先要把用於製作電子相簿的照片轉換成PDF文檔格式,打開Flip PDF Pro,按照頁面提示導入文檔;為電子相簿選取合適的背景和主題,在頁面編輯欄點擊添加相應的視頻、音頻、文本等,還可以添加一個網頁鏈接引導讀者到另一個瀏覽頁面;最後點擊頁面的輸出按鈕,為翻頁電子相簿選擇exe,app等輸出格式,一本獨具個性標籤的電子相簿製作完成。當然,最少補了的是分享環節。翻頁相簿製作完成後,點擊分享按鈕,把承載著美好回憶的相簿分享到facebook,twitter 等社交網路上,讓千萬瀏覽者一同分享你的珍貴時刻。


2015年5月7日 星期四

Free Interactive Presentation Maker to Delight Your Business Partners

When having a meeting with your business partners, an interactive digital presentation is of great help. To make a presentation is so easy since there are many presentation makers for you to choose from. How to make it interactive and catch the business partners’ attention as long as it can, however, it is not an easy task. Also, an excellent presentation should not be used just for once, better it can be reviewed again and again, which requires the content and effects so mush. Otherwise no one wants to open it again.

Here I would like to recommend this powerful free interactive presentation maker Foucsky that will definitely delight your business partners. The presentation made by Focusky has the fantastic unlimited Zoom and Pan effect, and it can be added the impressive rich-media into any slide, like image, link, video and audio. This maker can help attract your partners’ attention, increase customers’ retention, improve SEO ranking to the utmost extent. More surprisingly, it can be published as a video presentation and instantly share it to Youtube, Vimeo and other social networking.

What can you do with this maker- Focusky? Here is a partial list for your reference:

Create an attractive look of your presentation with multiple pre-designed templates
Make an interactive presentation that can engaged business partners with rich media
Convert static PPT to animated video(MP4, FLV) presentation
Insert business presentation as bookcase to your website
Publish digital presentations in HTML, ZIP, APP and EXE formats
Save presentations on your local computer or email it as attachment
Burn to DVD and let your business partners keep it
Present offline and share with others on social networking
Increase SEO (Google likes videos)
Create viral videos about you or your business